1: 1. Frank's retirement 2. Jamie and Eddie's baby 3. Danny finding closure 4. Erin's promotion

2: 5. Baker's backstory 6. More family dinners 7. A new Reagan rookie 8. Officer involvement in storylines

3: 9. Frank's health scare 10. A big murder case 11. A Reagan family crisis 12. Eddie's promotion

4: 13. More Nicky storylines 14. Garrett's personal life explored 15. Jamie as commissioner 16. Danny's new partner

5: 17. Erin's wedding 18. Grandpa's final words 19. A Reagan reunion 20. A new love interest for Jamie

6: 21. Henry's retirement 22. Frank confronts old enemies 23. An NYPD scandal 24. A Reagan family wedding

7: 25. The return of past characters 26. A tragic death in the family 27. Jamie and Eddie's struggles 28. Anthony's big case

8: 29. Erin's new love interest 30. Jamie's promotion 31. The Reagan legacy continued 32. A Reagan family secret revealed

9: 33. The end of the Blue Templar 34. An NYPD corruption scandal 35. A Reagan family reunion 36. Frank's ultimate decision.