1: "Is it bad to have your Yorkshire Terrier up high? Learn about the potential risks and benefits of keeping your pup elevated."

2: "Consider the safety of your Yorkshire Terrier when deciding whether or not to have them up high. Keep them secure and comfortable."

3: "Understand the behavior and preferences of your Yorkshire Terrier to determine if being up high is suitable for them."

4: "Consult with a vet or professional trainer to assess the impact of having your Yorkshire Terrier up high on their health and well-being."

5: "Provide proper supervision and support if you choose to have your Yorkshire Terrier up high to prevent accidents or injuries."

6: "Ensure the environment is safe and conducive for your Yorkshire Terrier if they spend time up high to maintain their comfort."

7: "Consider the age, size, and temperament of your Yorkshire Terrier when deciding if being up high is appropriate for them."

8: "Regularly assess and monitor your Yorkshire Terrier's behavior and well-being when they are up high to ensure their safety."

9: "In conclusion, weigh the pros and cons carefully before having your Yorkshire Terrier up high to make an informed decision for their welfare."