1: Discover the most valuable coins still in circulation: rare dimes and Bicentennial quarters worth $56 million each.

2: Learn the history behind these rare coins and how they became so valuable over time.

3: Explore tips for identifying these rare dimes and Bicentennial quarters in your pocket change.

4: Find out where these valuable coins have been found and how you can increase your chances of finding one.

5: Uncover the stories of people who have struck it rich by finding these rare coins in circulation.

6: Learn about the factors that determine the value of rare coins like these dimes and quarters.

7: Discover how to properly store and care for rare coins to maintain their value over time.

8: Get expert advice on selling rare coins like these dimes and quarters for top dollar.

9: Don't miss your chance to potentially find a rare dime or Bicentennial quarter worth $56 million in your spare change!